Updated: February 2, 2022 - By: - Categories: Equipment

Ask any successful fishkeeper what the most important piece of equipment they need to maintain the water quality in their aquariums is and they’ll almost certainly say it is the filter. Water parameters in 60-75 gallon aquariums tend to be more stable than in smaller tanks but having good quality filtration is still vital for maintaining healthy conditions. Read below to make an informed decision on the best aquarium filter for your 60-75 gallon aquarium.

Best filters for 60-75 gallon fish tanks

Model Our rating Type Flow rate Ideal for Media
Aqueon QuietFlow LED PRO 55/75 power filter editor's ratingAqueon QuietFlow LED PRO 55/75 power filter #ad Hang-On-Back 400 GPH, adjustable 75-90 gallons carbon cartridge, biological grid
Aqua Clear 110 power fish tank filter editor's ratingAqua Clear 110 power fish tank filter #ad Hang-On-Back 500 GPH, adjustable 60-110 gallons Foam, Activated Carbon, and BioMax
Fluval 407 Performance Canister Filter 120Vac editor's ratingFluval 407 Performance Canister Filter 120Vac #ad canister filter 245 Gal/h (930 L/h) 50-100 Gal (150-500 L) bio-foams, ceramic rings, activated carbon
Aqueon Quietflow Canister Filter editor's ratingAqueon Quietflow Canister Filter #ad canister filter 300 GPH up to 75 gallons activated carbon, coarse foam, bio balls, and bio ceramic rings
MarineLand Magnum Polishing Internal Canister Filter editor's ratingMarineLand Magnum Polishing Internal Canister Filter #ad internal filter 290 GPH up to 90 Gal polishing with the micron cartridge
Marineland Penguin PRO Power Filter editor's ratingMarineland Penguin PRO Power Filter #ad Hang-On-Back 450 GPH, adjustable up to 90 Gal Marine Land rite-size E filter cartridge
OASE Indoor Aquatics Filtosmart Thermo 300 editor's ratingOASE Indoor Aquatics Filtosmart Thermo 300 #ad canister filter 260 GPH up to 80 Gal sponges, activated carbon, ceramic rings
SunSun HW-302 265GPH Pro Canister Filter Kit editor's ratingSunSun HW-302 265GPH Pro Canister Filter Kit #ad canister filter 265 GPH (1000L/h), adjustable up to 75 Gal 4 filter pads, 1lb of carbon, 1lb of ceramic rings, and bio balls
Polar Aurora 266GPH canister filter with UV sterilizer editor's ratingPolar Aurora 265GPH with 9W UV sterilizer #ad canister filter with UV sterilizer 265 GPH (1000L/h), adjustable up to 75 Gal filter pads, coarse sponge, activated carbon, ceramic rings, bio-balls
Seachem Tidal 75 gallon power filter editor's ratingSeachem Tidal 75 gallon power filter #ad Hang-On-Back 350 GPH up to 75 Gal foam, Matrix™ bio-media
AE-SHOP KZKR Upper Trickle Box Filtration System editor's ratingAE-SHOP KZKR Upper Trickle Box Filtration System #ad Trickle Box 530-800 GPH (recommended pump) 60 65 70 Gal media not included

60-75 gallon aquarium filters reviewed

Aqueon QuietFlow LED PRO 75 power filter

Monitoring your filter cartridges just got easier with the innovative LED light system in the Aqueon Quietflow LED Pro. This system actively monitors water flow levels to indicate when clogged cartridges need replacement. This quiet running filter is self-priming which means you don’t need to fill it before starting or restarting it.

This hang-on-back filter is designed for use in aquariums of 90-gallon capacities or less, making this an ideal size for your 60-75 gallon tank. Chemical, mechanical and biological filtration is provided as well as additional fine-scale water cleaning by means of a specialty filter pad.

Aqua Clear 110 power fish tank filter

The AquaClear is a trusted name in aquarium equipment and their 110 size power filter is a great example of how they developed this reputation. This model processes an impressive 500 gallons of water every hour.

With fully adjustable flow control you have more control of the current strength to suit the types of fish and animals you keep in your 60-75 gallon tank. The surface of the water in your tank also remains continually broken while operating this model, which helps greatly for increasing available oxygen levels for your fish.

Aquaclear Power Filter InstallationAquaclear Power Filter Installation #ad

This filter covers all the right bases by providing the three most important types of filtering, biological, chemical, and mechanical filtration. A big part of achieving maximum water filtration is keeping the water in contact with the filter media for as long as possible, and Aquaclear certainly kept that in mind when designing this model.

Aquaclear Multistage FiltrationAquaclear Multistage Filtration #ad

Three different types of filter media are used in this filter to achieve excellent water clarity and quality. A perfect environment for beneficial bacteria colonies to grow is within the foam insert. For this reason, this media type functions as both a biological and mechanical filter within this model.

The foam insert is not the only place available for these good bacteria to live and work, however. The extensive pore system built into bio max ceramic rings creates another excellent environment. Finally, chemical filtration is used to remove impurities and odors from the water using research-grade activated carbon.

Fluval 407 Performance Canister Filter

With the modern emphasis on energy efficiency, Fluval has designed this canister to filter to run at just 23 watts, saving you on power bills while providing high-performance filtration. This powerful and reliable machine has also been refined to produce an incredible 25% less running noise.

Fluval 407 Fast Action MaintenanceFluval 407 Fast Action Maintenance #ad

Fluval canister filters are European designed for efficiency and this filter is easily primed using the built-in priming pump, which is now 7 times stronger than in previous models. The filter media within the canister is easily inspected or replaced from the media basket without any need to drain the canister, which means less time and effort for you.

Fluval 407 Energy EfficiencyFluval 407 Energy Efficiency #ad

With an impressive maximum water column of 2.25 meters, this canister filter can be installed in a cabinet well out of sight using the high-quality 9.8ft long ribbed hose that is supplied. An impressive range of filtration media is provided with the unit, including 3 different types of quality bio-foam, biomax ceramic rings, quick clear, and activated carbon.

Aqueon Quietflow Canister Filter

Quick disconnect valves and easy-to-use pump head locking clips make maintenance of the Aqueon Quietflow Canister Filter very easy. The filter includes 3 media baskets which come preloaded with filter media for biological, mechanical, and chemical filtration.

For aquarists who enjoy greater control over the filtration and water flow in their tanks, this filter provides 3 different return options. These include a traditional flow director, spray bar, and an innovative hang-on-back water polishing unit that uses replaceable carbon cartridges for additional chemical and mechanical filtration.

MarineLand Magnum Polishing Internal Canister Filter

The versatile and compact Marineland Magnum canister filter has dual chambers that can be filled with your own choice of filter media to create custom filtration to suit your needs. Being an internal canister filter, this model has a submerged motor that requires no priming before running. This filter is ideal for 60-75 gallon aquariums as it has a filtration capacity of 290 gallons of water per hour.

This filter provides a full suite of filtration with the easily replaceable Rite-size JH floss sleeve and black-diamond activated carbon which have demonstrated mechanical and chemical filtration abilities. Biological filtration is ensured with an amazing 153 square inches of space available for the development of beneficial bacteria colonies. Additionally, a reusable micron cartridge provides ultra-fine mechanical water polishing.

MarineLand Penguin PRO Power Filter

The Marineland penguin pro series combines stylish, sleek good looks with real performance in a hang-on-back filter that can process an impressive 450 gallons of water every hour. A sound dampened self-priming submerged motor ensures ultra-quiet operation. This model fits the trusted Marineland rite-size E filter cartridge which provides excellent chemical, biological, and mechanical filtration.

There is also space for fitting a second cartridge if the user wishes to increase the filtration capacity of this model. Furthermore, wet/dry biological filtration is made possible by the innovative bio-wheel technology, along with chemical filtration from activated carbon.

OASE Indoor Aquatics Filtosmart Thermo 300

The OASE Filtosmart Thermo 300 reduces the amount of hardware in your aquarium by heating the water externally, in the canister. Both the water flow from the filter and the water temperature are fully adjustable so that you can recreate the conditions your livestock prefer in their natural habitat.

This filter is designed for use with both reef and freshwater setups and has a maximum lift of 5ft (1.5m) so it can be installed well out of sight. 2 stage filtration is provided using large sponges which effectively filter out particles of waste suspended in the water while doubling as an ideal environment for the development of beneficial bacteria colonies. These bacteria, which are responsible for the vital biological filtration of your aquarium water, also thrive in the ceramic ring media provided.

SunSun HW-302 265GPH pro canister filter kit

The SunSun HW-302 pro canister filter kit comes includes everything you need to maintain excellent water quality and clarity in your aquarium. This kit includes 3 media baskets, 3 white filter pads, 1lb of ceramic rings, 1lb of premium filter carbon, and a set of bio balls.

This compact and quiet filter features an easy to prime pump for your convenience, which means no more messy manual siphoning. With a flow rate of 265 gallons per hour, this unit is great for 60-gallon aquariums.

Polar Aurora 265GPH canister filter with UV sterilizer

The Polar Aurora canister filter takes traditional aquarium filtration one step further with its innovative 9w UV bulb which sterilizes algae and bacteria in the water. The unit is ultra-quiet and compact and the aquarist has a choice of the adjustable spray bar or a simple single flow outlet.

This filter contains 3 media trays that can be filled with filtration media of your choice. The unit is easy to assemble and, for added convenience, the unit features a press-type pump primer.

Seachem Tidal 75 gallon power filter

The Seachem Tidal 75 power filter has all the features needed for excellent aquarium filtration and then some. The designers of this model went the extra mile when incorporating surface skimming functionality to remove oils and waste that can collect on the surface of the water and other filters struggle to remove.  Furthermore, a user-friendly maintenance alert feature indicates when it’s time for the aquarist to clean out the filter.

This self-priming filter can be set to take in water from the mid-levels of the aquarium to ensure multi-level filtration. A self-cleaning and corrosion-resistant impeller reduces maintenance needs and prolongs the working life of the unit. This filter has an adjustable flow and can process a maximum of 350 gallons per hour, making it an excellent filter for 60-75 gallon aquariums.

AE-SHOP KZKR Upper Trickle Box Filtration System

This trickle box filter is designed to be used with a water pump of 530-800gph (sold separately). Although these filters aren’t as compact or easy to install as other designs such as power filters, they do offer the advanced aquarist more control over the filtration in their tanks.

This unit provides 15 separate compartments, with overflows, in 3 layers which you can fill with filter media of your own choice for excellent custom filtration to suit your needs. Popular filtration media for these filters include sponges, activated carbon, ceramics, and bio balls. The filter is mounted above the aquarium and fits tanks of 34.6-42.5 inches across.

Frequently asked questions

Can I keep fish in my 60-75 gallon aquarium without a filter?

Some fish are more tolerant of poor water conditions than others but all fish deserve to be kept in a safe and healthy environment. Keeping fish in an unfiltered aquarium is not recommended and will ultimately result in unnecessary losses unless large, frequent water changes are done which will ultimately stress both you and your livestock.

Choose the best quality aquarium filter that you can afford and that is appropriate for your aquarium size and livestock.

What does GPH mean?

GPH means gallons per hour and is used to describe the amount of water that passes through your aquarium filter in one hour. The general rule when choosing the right GPH for your aquarium is to aim to filter the water in your aquarium 4 to 6 times every hour. For 60-75 gallon aquariums, this means a GPH of between 240 and 450 is recommended.

How can I slow down the water flow in my aquarium?

Sometimes powerful filters can create a current in your tank that is too strong for your fish to swim in. Fish like goldfish that don’t enjoy strong water flow can become stressed and exhausted if forced to struggle against fast-flowing water.

It is possible to break the flow somewhat by aiming the outlet of your filter at a hardscape object like a rock or against the wall of your aquarium. Adding structure to your aquarium will also give your fish a place to escape the current. Another good way of preventing a strong current in your aquarium is to use a spray bar outflow that distributes the water returning to your aquarium over a wider area.

Do I need to replace the sponges in my filter?

The sponges in your filter do not need to be replaced often and many will last for years before beginning to break down. Beneficial bacteria live in these sponges and it can take weeks or months for them to develop into a healthy colony that can remove harmful toxins in the water.

For this reason, never clean your sponge with any chemicals or even untreated tap water. When the time comes to replace the sponge in your filter, try keeping part of the old sponge together with the new sponge in your filter to speed up the process of colonization.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a good filter for your 60-75 gallon aquarium is much easier when you have all the right information. That’s why we’ve selected the best models for these tanks and provided you with all the facts you need to know. Any one of the filters suggested here will work great in your fish tank, just be sure to read through all the features of each model to choose the unit that best suits your needs.

Lucas is the passionate creator behind this website, dedicated to guiding aquarium enthusiasts in nurturing vibrant fish and building thriving tanks. With over 10 years of hands-on fishkeeping experience, Lucas combines practical expertise with a keen eye for the best aquarium equipment to help hobbyists of all levels succeed. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned aquarist, their goal is to inspire and equip you with the knowledge and tools for a rewarding aquatic journey.

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